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I am a student at the Columbus College of Art and Design studying, interior design. I grew up in Westfield, New Jersey and now live in Columbus, Ohio. I went to Bishop Hartley High School for 4 years. The high school I went to was not known for their art program, so I never really learned my art abilities from there. I have grown up around art. My grandparents and my mother are all artists and they have inspired me to be one as well. I continue to grow through my art everyday, and i can not wait for where this journey will take me. 

Juliana Brody


Interior Designer


My art has come a long way throughout my life. I never really praticed as much as I should have, but throughout this year at Columbus College of Art and Design I found myself progressing in 2 point perspectives and also my drawing skills. I also found myself getting better in Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. It is where all of my projects take place and I feel I really know what I am doing, when it comes to using those programs. I can not wait to see where my art takes me throughout my life.

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